About Me

Solo learning system, software & electrical engineering through my research and development. I was never the best at school or academics, I’m just a super curious guy. I spend a lot of time building software and electronics, but there’s also a lot more to it.


Social Engineering

2015 - 2018
Lamongan's II Senior High School

I never have IT based education, i studying on Social engineering but, i spends lot of time on my old machine when i was on school. I join many organization, learning how to speak, works together, join an competition and many things.


IT Technical Support & SysAdmin

September 2019 - March 2020
PT. Eklanku Indonesia Cemerlang

Helping developers & designer to work, setting up network architecture on office, setting up software and hardware for employes, setting up server, setting & maintenance OTP server with modem pools and gammu to database, creating automation for manything for easy works with ruby / bashscript.


Automation - Ruby, bashscript, Apple Script with automator

OS - Linux, macOS & Windows as server or other things

Web FrontEnd - HTML, CSS, JS, ReactJS, Jekyll

Web Services - CodeIgniter, Ruby on Rails, NodeJS

SQL & NoSQL - MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

Microservices, Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Heroku, PROXMOX